Dentures. They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to, and that’s a good thing! The dentures of yesteryear were uncomfortable, unnatural, and unattractive. But thanks to the advances in modern dental technology and aesthetics, dentures today can be as beautiful as natural, healthy teeth. At Lovell Dental, Dr. Lance Anderson provides a variety of options for his patients who require dentures.
Dentures have long been used to replace multiple missing teeth, and they have traditionally been removable for cleaning and disinfecting. Conventional full dentures are still available for people who need all of their teeth replaced. Dr. Anderson works with a local dental lab that fabricates full dentures that are custom-fitted and designed to look natural in the mouth and within the shape of a patient’s face. Moreover, our dentures won’t only look natural to other people, they will feel natural for the patient as well.
When a patient has one or more natural teeth remaining in their upper or lower jaw, a partial denture or fixed bridge can replace any missing teeth. Besides filling the space of the missing teeth, partial dentures and bridges also prevent the remaining teeth from moving out of position.
A removable partial denture consists of replacement teeth that are attached to a plastic base designed to look like natural gums. Alternatively, a fixed bridge replaces one or more missing teeth by using the natural teeth on either side as anchors. These anchors are outfitted with crowns, and artificial teeth are attached to them. The entire bridge is then cemented into place for a secure fit and a more natural appearance.
A popular alternative to dentures is dental implants. Like dentures, implants can restore your smile’s appearance. Unlike dentures, however, implants offer the added advantage of stimulating the jawbone to help prevent bone loss and maintain your facial features. Some dentists send their patients to a specialist—a prosthodontist—to get dental implants. But, because Dr. Anderson has taken the time and effort to make this treatment part of his professional services, you can get the exact same quality of care without having to drive hours to see an outside specialist.
Dental implants are appropriate for one missing tooth or several. For one tooth, Dr. Anderson will place a small titanium post into the socket of the missing tooth. This implant is then given time to heal and bond to the jawbone. Once it has healed, an abutment is secured to the post, and this holds your custom designed crown restoration in place.
All-on-4® is a one-day treatment for patients who need to replace all of the teeth on their upper or lower arch. With the All-on-4® procedure, Dr. Anderson strategically positions four implants within the jaw that can secure a full restoration. The implants used with All-on-4® are somewhat longer than traditional ones and are positioned at an angle in the jawbone for increased support.
If you experience an emergency with your dentures, rest assured, Dr. Anderson treats these no differently than an emergency with natural teeth. These emergencies may include dentures that break or wear down, thereby becoming misaligned. When this happens, a person’s ability to eat and talk may be severely compromised. Thus, broken dentures can present a genuine emergency. Don’t wait to call Dr. Anderson if you have a denture emergency-- he is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week for all dental and denture emergencies.
The amount you pay for dentures isn’t set in stone. As with any kind of dental work, the final cost is going to depend on different factors that are unique to your particular case. We’ll discuss these factors with you carefully and paint a clear picture of how much you can expect to pay following your appointment. If you have questions about insurance, financing, or other options that can make your new teeth more affordable, reach out to us right away so that we can address your concerns.
Before dentures can be placed, any remaining teeth will need to be extracted, and gum disease will have to be treated. These and other preliminary procedures will all factor into the final cost of your new teeth. Naturally, the nature of the denture itself has to be taken into account as well. Partial and full dentures both carry different costs, and the materials used to make the final restoration (which can include porcelain or acrylic) can make a difference as well. When comparing dentures, remember that cheaper is not always better. A less expensive denture is probably also made out of lower-quality materials and thus won’t last as long – meaning you’ll be paying for a replacement much sooner.
Naturally, getting dental implants to support your dentures is going to add to the overall cost. For many patients, the advantages of implants are well worth the price. You’ll never have to deal with the headaches of dentures that shift out of place while in use or having to take out your teeth to clean them. Implants also stimulate the jawbone to keep it healthy, improve your biting strength, and can last for decades with minimal maintenance. You also won’t have to pay to replace dental implants nearly as often as traditional dentures thanks to their durability.
Dentures are typically included under most dental insurance plans. They’re typically classified as a major restorative treatment, which means the coverage is around 50% in most cases. Every plan is different, so it’s a good idea to call your insurance carrier to clarify the details before you get dentures. One of our team members can go over your policy with you and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to ask us for tips about maximizing your benefits to enjoy the greatest amount of savings possible.
If you do not have dental insurance, you can break up the cost of dentures with CareCredit. You sign up for a plan with little to no interest, then pay for your care in a series of monthly installments. We can walk you through the process of applying for CareCredit and answer any questions you might have about third-party financing.
At Lovell Dental, we understand replacing missing teeth is a big decision. That is why we have compiled some of the most common questions about dentures and answered them below. We hope you find this information useful as you decide whether dentures in Lovell are the right restorative solution for you. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us and ask!
People of all ages can potentially be a candidate for dentures. However, in general, you are more likely to need partial or full dentures after the age of 40. While tooth loss can happen at any age, the National Center of Health Statistics reports that roughly 66% of adults aged 40 to 64 are missing at least one tooth. In contrast, only 33% of adults between the ages of 20 and 39 have experienced tooth loss.
Unless directed otherwise by your denture dentist in Lovell, you should take your dentures out at night when you go to bed. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, which can lead to soft tissue irritation and potentially speed up ridge resorption. Soaking your dentures each night helps keep your false teeth clean and gives your gums a chance to recover. Another reason to avoid sleeping with dentures is to prevent infection and other oral health issues. The dark, moist space underneath dentures is an ideal place for bacteria to thrive. Higher levels of gum and tongue plaque are associated with wearing dentures for too long.
Wearing dentures does not have to spell the end of your love life! It is completely possible to kiss while wearing dentures, but it does take time to get use to how it feels. Unlike real teeth, dentures do not contain any nerves. For this reason, you should avoid kissing anyone too hard and bumping your dentures against your partner’s teeth. A gentle kiss is the way to go when wearing dentures.
When you first get dentures in Lovell, it may take some time to get used to speaking with them. However, you can speed up the adjustment process by practicing frequently. Reading out loud to yourself and repeating difficult-to-pronounce words is a good exercise.
If your dentures have a tendency to shift while you speak, try biting down and swallowing before you begin to talk. This will ensure that your dentures are in the proper position. If you need a bit of extra help adjusting to speaking with dentures, applying denture adhesive will give your new teeth extra stability.
Although you should brush and rinse your dentures daily, you won’t need toothpaste to keep them clean. In fact, toothpaste is abrasive and can leave microscopic scratches on the surface of dentures. Over time, it can seriously damage your false teeth. Instead, clean your dentures every day with hand soap, mild dishwashing liquid, or a specialized denture cleaner. Be sure to clean your dentures after every meal and only use a soft-bristled toothbrush.